Creeping talons of depression grip me,
tearing and lashing as beaks gleam
They rip my insides vehemently
scraping tissue and soft entrails;
blood spatters snouts.
They indulge.
I lie helpless.
Empty eyes search to cease the suffering
racking my sinews with pain, searing so hot,
tears slip down cheeks dying with sizzle and steam;
I am face to face with despair.
Clinging, clutching to the moments I live now,
but will never hoard as memories.
The scavengers pluck my heart,
my spasms and death-throws go unnoticed.
My eyes dry, clouded
as a shadow is cast by a hooded specter.
Life is never more dear until it slips
the grip on a loved one’s hand.
Waiting for the catch that has not yet come—
that is the end of life.
Is nothing so dark,
nothing so full of despair
as a life lost in the midst of passion,
of love?
Gnashing teeth,
my breath halting
hollow cavities are exposed to open air.
Your silence stabs
but your absence tortures, butchers,
My soul is fleeing,
as you leave me,
Goodbye, to never see again
my dearest.